I would love to have a giant garden of summer and fall vegetables, but point of fact, I don't want to spend the time, don't like the hottest parts of the day, and if there are red bugs/chiggers out there, they will find me for sure!
So---I optimistically plant a few things in pots on the patio. My favorites, because they never fail to produce, are Sweet Banana Peppers.
I have one Sweet Bell Pepper planted in the middle, but I've only harvested 2 little babes so far.

The Banana Peppers are so prolific. My favorite recipe is to mix up a good albacore/tune salad; cut off just the top of the pepper, take out the core; and fill with the tuna salad. It's so perfect to mix up a bunch for a picnic (wrap each one in plastic wrap for no muss) to eat out of hand.

I sprinkled a bit of Salad Supreme on top for color and flavor. Chill.
Neat, huh?

Nice and crunchy and good for a pot luck summer supper.
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