Last week was filled with days of remembering--the 17th was the one year date of my precious husband's death. The year since has been filled with many things that God has showed me, helped me through, and with which is refilling my life.
One of His blessings is a gift of friends who have come alongside me in this walk--new Sisters--kind and caring, teaching, making me laugh, sharing tears, leading, helping me to think outside myself.

Not wanting me to be alone on that day, these girls treated me to lunch at Ya Ya's.
What bright and shining faces welcome me to share their day and their lives.

As little mementos, I made some small embroidered hearts nestled in little sandwich glass hearts and tucked into these beady bags.
They seem to be my colors and style lately...

But mostly, it's because these sweet women have my heart.

And we all shared a fabulous decadent dessert--A puff pastry covered baked brownie. Hot chocolate lava poured out upon cutting, topped with ice cream swizzled with raspberry sauce.
I should have snapped earlier, before the digging in began, but couldn't get the camera up fast enough.

It didn't last long!!

Since we were eating in YaYa's Restaurant, we thought we could rightfully be called YaYa Sisters. I think we can. So, we are.
Sisters, truly, as children of God.
I'm sorry to hear of your husband. I can imagine it has been a difficult year for you. I am glad you had friends with you. Your hearts are so beautiful, the embroidery work is just amazing and I love the little beaded bags.